Thursday, March 16, 2006

Who Is The Master Of Your Domain?!

'Who Is The Master Of Your Domain?!'

Copyright © Ayelet Yedidia
Inspirational Messages

Contemplate this for a moment:

Who Do You Listen To ?
Do They Give You A Worthy Advice?
Are They On Your Side ?
Do They Walk Their Talk ?

People are quick to give advice and express opinions, but Remember,
you are always listening to THEIR story, based on THEIR belief system
and THEIR life experience.

That's to be RESPECTED but not necessarily ACCEPTED!

When listening to any advice or opinion (Yes, Including this message),
it is wise to consider it both in Your Mind and Heart and Always,
ALL-WAYS Be Your Own Final Council!

In your Mind - Weigh it, Contemplate it, Ask yourself if it's a win-win,
Explore possibilities without judgment and Keep an open mind.

In Your Heart - Work with Resonance, Do you resonate with what you hear?
Does Your Heart feel Light or Heavy when you consider it? Does it 'hit home'?
Does it 'have your name on it'?

Always do the final check with the best council of all: Yourself!

Indeed You Are Your Own Best Council, because NO-ONE,
(And I don't care who they are, what their credentials are or
if they are considered an "expert"), NO-ONE knows better
than you what's Good for You!

Why? Because No-One lives your life for you!

This applies even to your closest friends and loved ones. Remember,
They too can only share from THEIR story, the one that THEY live

You are a UNIQUE Individual, thus your story is Unique too.
You have the POWER Of DECISION and the FREEDOM Of
CHOICE. You can create your story at will by Deciding what
you want and Choosing what is right for you, while Leaving the
rest with those who offered it...

When you are your own final council In-Deed, you are taking full
responsibility for your choices. This gives gives you the Power Over
Your Reality! You are no longer doing something because someone
said so, you are doing it because You Made Up Your Mind to do so!

When you do that with every choice in your life, you get to Celebrate
the experience of your Successful Choices. And those which aren't so
great, you can change, because if you had the power to choose it, you
have the power to change it!

Have the guts to be Your Own Mind, to decide What YOU Want
and to listen only to the voices which take you there! And then...
When you get the results you wanted and turned Ideas
into Truth through Experience, It will be Yours to share

Copyright © Ayelet Yedidia
Click for Reprint Information

Ayelet Yedidia Inspires people from all walks of life to
Live their Passion, Soar to their Highest Potential and
Transform their Life into the Legacy it is meant to be!
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