Do You Live Your Passion?!
'Do You Live Your Passion?!'
Copyright © Ayelet Yedidia
Inspirational Messages
So... Do you? ... Live Your Passion?!
If Your answer is 'Yes' - Allow me to celebrate you and say:
'Good for You and Good for all of us'!
If your answer is 'No' - Allow me to ask you: 'Why Not'?!
Did it not occur to you that it's possible...? Do you not believe
you can...? Do you not know how...?
Most people spend most of their waking hours - working!
Does it make any sense to you at all, to spend most of your
time doing something you don't love or enjoy?!
Moreover, Are you being impeccable with yourself, with the
person you work for and with everyone else involved?! And...
What about your purpose, are you fulfilling your soul's destiny?!
When I was in my early twenties, I happened to watch someone
I know, regret his life choices - this person did NOT follow his
passion because his spouse thought differently! This was a great
lesson for me, it helped me decide early on, to live the kind of life
that will hold No Regrets!
I didn't want to get to a point where I look back and feel like
I wasted my life. I wanted to live a life that is worth living,
regardless of what anyone thinks or says. After all, this is my
life and it's up to me to live it to it's fullest!
And you know what?
It's never too late to make this decision, as long as you
still have a breath in your lungs... Remember the person
I mentioned before? Well, later on in life, he went for his
passion and is living it! And what about his spouse? They
are still together....
Imagine what would it be like to live in a world where people
are passionate about the work that they do... Where people
get up in the morning, EXCITED about their day!
What would this world look like... What would it feel like to
live in it? And.. What kind of promise would it hold for our
future generations...?!
Imagine that you are one of these people...!
Imagine getting paid for what you love and enjoy...!
Imagine the righteousness and impeccability...!
Imagine the example you set for others...!
Imagine Your fulfillment and contribution...!
Imagine the rewards...!
So Where do you start?
You start by realizing your passions or at least one
of them: What do you love doing? what brings you joy?
What makes you feel alive? What causes you to loose
track of time? What gets you so involved that you
even forget about your own existence...?
Once you realize a passion of yours, contemplate ways
of turning it into abundance - You can turn any passion
into abundance and there are many ways of doing that.
You can start by taking a look at what others do - the
online world makes it easy today, just do a little search
on your topic, you will be amazed at the possibilities!
You can build an Internet business around your passion,
thousands of people are doing it successfully and so can
you (View Case-Studies Here) .
And No, you don't have to go cold turkey and quit
everything today. Do it in a way and pace that
is right for you, but get started NOW, because Now
is the only existing moment!
When you work for the money and only for the money,
it can NEVER be Your Greatest Potential, even if it pays
really good(!) It can only be either a short term solution
or an un-fulfilling one. Don't you think Life is way too
precious to spend most of it in a state of mediocrity
and lack of fulfillment?
When you do something that you would enjoy doing
even without the pay, you are on the path to No-Regret,
Your own path to Greatness!
The only question left is: Will You, or Will You Not,
Choose to Live Your Passion and fill your days
with Joy and True Abundance?!...
Copyright © Ayelet Yedidia
Click for Reprint Information
Inspirational Messages
So... Do you? ... Live Your Passion?!
If Your answer is 'Yes' - Allow me to celebrate you and say:
'Good for You and Good for all of us'!
If your answer is 'No' - Allow me to ask you: 'Why Not'?!
Did it not occur to you that it's possible...? Do you not believe
you can...? Do you not know how...?
Most people spend most of their waking hours - working!
Does it make any sense to you at all, to spend most of your
time doing something you don't love or enjoy?!
Moreover, Are you being impeccable with yourself, with the
person you work for and with everyone else involved?! And...
What about your purpose, are you fulfilling your soul's destiny?!
When I was in my early twenties, I happened to watch someone
I know, regret his life choices - this person did NOT follow his
passion because his spouse thought differently! This was a great
lesson for me, it helped me decide early on, to live the kind of life
that will hold No Regrets!
I didn't want to get to a point where I look back and feel like
I wasted my life. I wanted to live a life that is worth living,
regardless of what anyone thinks or says. After all, this is my
life and it's up to me to live it to it's fullest!
And you know what?
It's never too late to make this decision, as long as you
still have a breath in your lungs... Remember the person
I mentioned before? Well, later on in life, he went for his
passion and is living it! And what about his spouse? They
are still together....
Imagine what would it be like to live in a world where people
are passionate about the work that they do... Where people
get up in the morning, EXCITED about their day!
What would this world look like... What would it feel like to
live in it? And.. What kind of promise would it hold for our
future generations...?!
Imagine that you are one of these people...!
Imagine getting paid for what you love and enjoy...!
Imagine the righteousness and impeccability...!
Imagine the example you set for others...!
Imagine Your fulfillment and contribution...!
Imagine the rewards...!
So Where do you start?
You start by realizing your passions or at least one
of them: What do you love doing? what brings you joy?
What makes you feel alive? What causes you to loose
track of time? What gets you so involved that you
even forget about your own existence...?
Once you realize a passion of yours, contemplate ways
of turning it into abundance - You can turn any passion
into abundance and there are many ways of doing that.
You can start by taking a look at what others do - the
online world makes it easy today, just do a little search
on your topic, you will be amazed at the possibilities!
You can build an Internet business around your passion,
thousands of people are doing it successfully and so can
you (View Case-Studies Here) .
And No, you don't have to go cold turkey and quit
everything today. Do it in a way and pace that
is right for you, but get started NOW, because Now
is the only existing moment!
When you work for the money and only for the money,
it can NEVER be Your Greatest Potential, even if it pays
really good(!) It can only be either a short term solution
or an un-fulfilling one. Don't you think Life is way too
precious to spend most of it in a state of mediocrity
and lack of fulfillment?
When you do something that you would enjoy doing
even without the pay, you are on the path to No-Regret,
Your own path to Greatness!
The only question left is: Will You, or Will You Not,
Choose to Live Your Passion and fill your days
with Joy and True Abundance?!...
Copyright © Ayelet Yedidia
Click for Reprint Information
Ayelet Yedidia Inspires people from all walks of life to
Live their Passion, Soar to their Highest Potential and
Transform their Life into the Legacy it is meant to be!
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